About RecurriPay
This project leverages account abstraction to build a wallet which enables recurring payments and social recovery. Under the hood, it uses Gelato Network to automate the recurring payment and Optimism’s Attestation Station to provide social recovery function.
With account abstraction it has made wallet creation easier and more seamless. Social recovery function also enhances the user experience as now users can recover their wallet in the event of them losing their private key. Last but not least, being able to automate payments opens up a new capability for on-chain interactions such as paying for subscription or DCA-ing. This project is deployed to the Optimism, Scroll, and Polygon chains.
How it's made
The frontend of this project is built using React. Under the hood, this project builds on top of the @account-abstraction-sdk by Eth-infinitism to enable first class citizen contract accounts. We wrote smart contracts inheriting from SimpleAccount and SimpleAccountFactory with additional features - recurring payment and social recovery.
For the former, when a user sets up a recurring payment order, we write it to the account smart contract as well as creating a task in Gelato Network. It will then call the specified function to execute the transaction every interval defined by the user.
As for social recovery, we are using Optimism’s Attestation Station. First, the user specifies 3 addresses that can attest for them in the event of lost access to the account. In order to recover the funds within it, the 3 addresses need to send an attestation to the smart contract. Then, a function can be called in the account contract to move the funds to another address. Optimism’s Attestation Station is easy to integrate and provides a simple and secure mechanism to build our social recovery feature.